Homemade Cleaning Spray

Homemade Cleaning Spray – Multi Purpose Cleaning Recipes

Let’s talk about making your own Homemade Cleaning Spray. It’s a great way to keep your home clean without using harsh chemicals. These days, a lot of store-bought cleaners have stuff that can be bad for your health and the environment. But when you make your own spray, you know exactly what’s in it, and it’s safer for you and your family.

Why Make Your Own Cleaning Spray?

Homemade cleaning sprays are awesome for a few reasons. They use natural ingredients, so you don’t have to worry about breathing in yucky chemicals. Plus, they’re cheaper because you probably already have most of the stuff you need right in your kitchen. If you’re looking for effective home remedies for carpet cleaning, using ingredients like vinegar and baking soda can work wonders.

What You Need?

To make your own Homemade Cleaning Spray, you’ll need a few things:

  • White Vinegar: This helps clean off grease and dirt.
  • Water: It’s just to mix things up and make the spray less strong.
  • Essential Oils: These give your spray a nice smell and can help kill germs. Things like lavender or lemon oils work great.
  • Spray Bottle: You’ll need something to put your spray in.

How to Make It?

Here’s how you can make a basic homemade cleaning spray:

  1. Ingredients:

    • 1 cup of white vinegar
    • 1 cup of water
    • 10-15 drops of essential oil (like lavender or lemon)
  2. Instructions:

    • Mix the vinegar and water together in your spray bottle.
    • Add in your essential oil.
    • Shake it up before you use it each time.

How to Use Your Homemade Cleaning Spray?

Now that you’ve made your spray, here are some ways you can use it around the house:

  • On Surfaces: Use it on countertops, sinks, and appliances to get them nice and clean.
  • Windows and Mirrors: Spray it on for a streak-free shine.
  • Bathroom Cleaner: It’s good for cleaning up soap scum and keeping things fresh.
  • To Get Rid of Smells: Spray it in trash cans or on carpets to make things smell better.

Why It’s Good for You

Using a homemade cleaning spray isn’t just about cleaning. It’s about staying healthy too. You’re not breathing in bad chemicals, which is good for your lungs and skin. Plus, it’s good for the planet because you’re not buying lots of plastic bottles all the time. If you’re looking for the best way to make homemade laundry detergent, similar principles apply to creating a safer, eco-friendly alternative for washing clothes.


Making your own Homemade Cleaning Spray is easy and helps you keep your home clean without the bad stuff. It’s a simple way to take care of your family and the environment. So why not give it a try? Start cleaning naturally today!

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