how to clean windows with newspaper

How To Clean Windows with Newspaper?

Are you tired of streaky, cloudy windows after cleaning? There’s a simple and effective solution you might not have tried yet: using newspaper! This old-school trick is not only budget-friendly but also surprisingly effective at leaving your windows sparkling clean.

How To Clean Windows with Newspaper?

Cleaning your windows with newspaper is easy and works really well. Here’s how you can do it:

Tools You Need

  • Old newspapers
  • Spray bottle with a mix of water and white vinegar (or window cleaner)
  • Microfiber cloth

Steps to Follow

  • Spray the Window: Fill a spray bottle with equal parts water and white vinegar. Spray this mix onto your window.
  • Scrub with Newspaper: Take a piece of crumpled newspaper and scrub the window in a circular motion. The newspaper helps remove dirt and leaves no streaks.
  • Wipe Dry: Use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe away any leftover moisture for a clear, shiny finish.
window cleaning

By using these simple steps, you’ll have sparkling clean windows without any streaks!

Preparation for Cleaning Windows with Newspaper

Dip the old newspaper into a bowl of water, or mix it under the spout, and squeeze out any excess water, so it is just damp and not dripping wet.

After that just scrub away at the window like you usually would. You perhaps would not have to rub too hard unless it is dirty.

After following the above instructions, just take a dry page of the old newspaper and polish the window glass with it until all the water drops are gone, and it looks clear and shiny. Using a Homemade Cleaning Spray can make this process even more effective. Put the newspaper into the recycling bin, and you are done. Put the newspaper into the recycling bin, and you are done.

Benefits of Cleaning Windows with Newspaper

Cleaning windows with newspaper is great for a few reasons:

No streaks: When you use newspaper, your windows end up shiny and clear without streaks.

Good for the environment: You’re reusing old newspapers, which is better for the planet than throwing them away.

Cheap: Newspapers don’t cost much, so it’s a wallet-friendly way to clean your windows.

Works well: Newspaper texture helps clean dirt and stains from windows easily.

Can be used for other things: Besides windows, you can also use newspaper to clean mirrors and glass tables.

So, using newspapers for window cleaning is not only easy but also saves money and helps keep things eco-friendly.

Does Cleaning Windows with Newspaper Work?

Absolutely! Cleaning windows with newspaper definitely works. The newspaper’s texture helps lift dirt and grime, leaving your windows streak-free and sparkling. It’s a simple yet effective method that can give your windows a professional clean without breaking the bank.

Is it Good to Clean Windows with Newspaper?

Absolutely! Cleaning windows with newspaper is a great idea. The texture of the newspaper is perfect for removing dirt and grime without leaving any streaks behind. Plus, it’s an eco-friendly option since you’re reusing old newspapers. So, if you’re looking for a simple and effective way to get your windows sparkling clean, using newspaper is definitely worth a try!


Why Clean Windows?

Cleaning your windows with newspaper is a smart choice for a few reasons:

  • Effective Cleaning: The texture of newspaper is perfect for lifting dirt and grime off your windows, leaving them streak-free and sparkling.
  • Environmentally Friendly: By using old newspapers for cleaning, you’re giving them a new purpose and reducing waste, which is great for the environment.
  • Cost-Effective: Newspapers are inexpensive and readily available, making them a budget-friendly option for keeping your windows clean.
  • Simple and Convenient: You don’t need fancy cleaning products or tools – just some newspaper and a bit of water or vinegar solution.

So, if you’re looking for an easy and efficient way to get your windows looking their best, give cleaning with newspaper a try!

Best Way to Clean Window Glass?

Here’s the best way to clean window glass, step by step:

  • Gather Supplies: Get everything you need – warm, soapy water, a squeegee, a microfiber cloth or sponge, and old newspapers or paper towels.
  • Prep the Area: Clear the window area of curtains, blinds, or anything else in the way. Protect your floors with towels or a drop cloth.
  • Wash the Glass: Dip your cloth or sponge in the soapy water, squeeze out excess, and wipe the window thoroughly, paying attention to tough spots.
  • Use the Squeegee: Start from the top, use the squeegee in vertical strokes to remove soapy water. Wipe the squeegee blade with a dry cloth after each stroke.
  • Buff with Newspaper: Once the window is squeezed, use crumpled newspaper or paper towels to wipe away any remaining moisture for a sparkling finish.
  • Repeat as Needed: For really dirty windows, you might need to go over them a few times until they’re perfectly clean.

Is Window Cleaning Worth it?

Cleaning your windows is totally worth it. Here’s why:

  • Looks Better: Clean windows make your home look nicer, inside and out. It feels brighter and more welcoming.
  • More Sunlight: When your windows are clean, more sunlight can come in. That makes your home feel happier and brighter.
  • Lasts Longer: Regular cleaning helps your windows stay in good shape for longer. That means you don’t have to replace them as often.
  • Breath Better: Cleaning removes dust and stuff that can make the air inside your home not so great. So, you’ll breathe easier with clean windows.
  • Enjoy the View: Clean windows give you a clear view of the world outside. You can enjoy the beauty without anything getting in the way.
cleaning window with paper

So, spending a little time cleaning your windows is totally worth it for a nicer-looking, healthier, and happier home!

Rules for Window Cleaning with Newspaper

Here are some simple rules for cleaning windows with newspaper:

  • Pick the Right Newspaper: Choose newspapers with less ink so they won’t leave marks on your windows. Avoid shiny or colorful pages.
  • Prep the Window: Clean the frame and sill first to get rid of any loose dirt or dust. This stops dirt from getting on the glass while you clean.
  • Mix Your Cleaning Solution: Make a mix of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray it lightly on the window glass.
  • Wipe with Newspaper: Crumple up some newspaper and use it to wipe the glass in circles. Don’t press too hard, or you might tear the paper.
  • Work in Small Sections: Clean the window bit by bit so the cleaning solution doesn’t dry out too quickly.
  • Buff with Dry Newspaper: After wiping with the damp newspaper, use a dry sheet to make the glass shine.
  • Change Newspapers Often: Swap out the newspaper when it gets wet or dirty to avoid making the window dirty again.
  • Check for Streaks: Go over the corners and edges to make sure they’re clean. Use a clean, dry piece of newspaper or a cloth to fix any streaks.

Follow these easy rules, and you’ll have sparkling clean windows in no time using just newspaper!

  • Streak-Free Shine
  • Cost-Effective
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Effective at Removing Dirt
  • Not Suitable for All Surfaces


So, in wrapping up, here’s what we’ve found about cleaning windows with newspaper:

Using newspaper is a great way to clean windows without spending much and it’s also environmentally friendly. However, it can be a bit messy and might transfer ink. Ultimately, whether you choose to use newspaper depends on your priorities and preferences. If you’re open to exploring different methods, you might also want to try cleaning windows with vinegar and baking soda for a natural and effective alternative. Give both methods a try to see which one works best for you!

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