How to Clean Windows with Vinegar and Baking Soda

How to Clean Windows with Vinegar and Baking Soda?

Cleaning windows can be a pain, right? But have you ever tried using vinegar and baking soda? It’s super easy and works really well! Today, I’m going to show you how to clean windows with vinegar and baking soda. Trust me, your windows will look amazing!

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Dust and Pre-Wash

First, dust off your windows with a dry cloth to remove any loose dirt. This will make the cleaning process much easier. If your windows are very dirty, rinse them with plain water first.

Spray the Vinegar Solution

Now, spray the vinegar and water mixture all over your windows. Make sure you cover all the spots, especially where there’s a lot of grime or streaks. If you add baking soda, you’ll see it fizz a bit, which is great for cleaning.

Wipe with a Microfiber Cloth

Use a microfiber cloth to wipe the solution off your windows. Microfiber cloths are awesome because they don’t leave any lint behind and they absorb the vinegar solution really well. For tough spots, dip your cloth in a little baking soda and gently scrub.

window cleaning

Use a Squeegee

To get a streak-free finish, use a squeegee. Start at the top of the window and pull the squeegee down in a straight line. Keeping your cleaning tools clean is essential; wipe the squeegee blade with a cloth after each pass to avoid putting dirt back on the glass. For another budget-friendly method, you might want to learn how to clean windows with newspaper. This method ensures your windows stay sparkling without any streaks.

Buff with Newspaper

This might sound old-fashioned, but using newspaper to buff your windows works really well. Just crumple up some newspaper and use it to polish your windows. It helps remove any remaining streaks and makes the glass shine.

Maintaining the Clean Window

Spending a few minutes each week cleaning your windows will help in keeping the windows clean by preventing the accumulation of dirt and dust on the windows.

You can enjoy the beautiful view outside by regularly cleaning windows.

Will Baking Soda Scratch the Glass?

A lot of people worry that baking soda might scratch their windows. Don’t worry! Baking soda is gentle enough for glass. It helps clean off tough spots without leaving any scratches. Just make sure the baking soda is dissolved before you start cleaning.

Best Homemade Window Cleaning Solution

Vinegar and baking soda are fantastic, but you can make an even better solution. For extra cleaning power, add a few drops of dish soap to your vinegar mix. This helps cut through grease and leaves your windows spotless. Here’s a simple recipe:

  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • A few drops of dish soap (optional)

This mixture will clean even the dirtiest windows easily.

Vinegar Window Cleaner Ratio

Getting the right vinegar window cleaner ratio is important. Usually, a 1:1 ratio of white vinegar to water works well. If your windows are really dirty, using a bit more vinegar can enhance cleaning power. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Standard Cleaning: 1 part white vinegar to 1 part water
  • Heavy-Duty Cleaning: 1.5 parts white vinegar to 1 part water

This ensures you have enough cleaning power without leaving streaks.

Extra Tips for Sparkling Windows

Here are some extra tips to make your windows sparkle:

  • Use Warm Water: Warm water helps the vinegar and baking soda clean better.
  • Clean on a Cloudy Day: Cleaning on a sunny day can make the solution dry too quickly and leave streaks. Aim for a cloudy day or clean when the sun isn’t shining directly on the windows.
  • Work from Top to Bottom: This way, any drips are cleaned up as you go, preventing streaks.
  • Replace Old Newspaper: If the newspaper gets too wet, it can tear and leave ink residue. Use fresh pieces as needed.

Benefits of Cleaning Windows with Vinegar and Baking Soda

Cleaning windows with vinegar and baking soda has many benefits. Let’s talk about why this method is so great and why you should try it.

benefits of window cleaning


Using vinegar and baking soda is good for the environment. Many store-bought cleaners have chemicals that can harm the earth. Vinegar and baking soda are natural and biodegradable, so they don’t hurt the planet. They are safe for your home, family, and pets.


Vinegar and baking soda are cheap. You probably already have them in your kitchen. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive window cleaners. This simple solution saves you money and still works really well.


Some cleaners have harsh chemicals that can be bad for your health. Vinegar and baking soda are safe to use. You don’t have to worry about breathing in dangerous fumes or getting chemicals on your skin. This is especially good if you have kids or pets at home.

Powerful Cleaning

Vinegar is acidic and can cut through grease and grime. Baking soda is slightly abrasive, so it helps scrub away dirt without scratching the glass. When you mix them, they work together to clean even the dirtiest windows.

Streak-Free Shine

Vinegar and baking soda can make your windows look shiny and clear. To avoid streaks, use a squeegee and a microfiber cloth. These tools help remove all the cleaner and any dirt, leaving your windows sparkling clean.

Kills Germs

Vinegar can kill germs and bacteria. This makes it a good choice for cleaning windows in the kitchen and bathroom, where you want to keep things really clean.

Removes Odors

Vinegar is a natural deodorizer. It can help get rid of bad smells from your windows. This is helpful if you have pets or if your windows have been exposed to smoke or other strong odors.


You can use the vinegar and baking soda mix on other things besides windows. It works well on countertops, sinks, and mirrors. This means you can use one simple cleaner for many different tasks around the house.

Easy and Fast

Cleaning with vinegar and baking soda is easy and quick. The ingredients are simple to mix, and the cleaning process doesn’t take much time. You can clean your windows fast and get great results.

Reduces Allergens

Dust and dirt on windows can cause allergies. Cleaning regularly with vinegar and baking soda helps remove dust mites, pollen, and other allergens. This keeps the air in your home cleaner and healthier.

Prevents Mold

Vinegar can help prevent mold and mildew. If you have windows in damp areas, like the bathroom, vinegar can help keep mold from growing. This keeps your windows and home healthier.

Cleaning Windows with Vinegar

Tackling Tougher Jobs

Sometimes, windows need a bit more elbow grease. Here’s how to handle tough spots:

  • Hard Water Stains: Make a paste with vinegar and baking soda. Apply it to the stain, let it sit for 15 minutes, then scrub and rinse.
  • Grease: For greasy windows, add a few drops of dish soap to your vinegar solution. The soap helps cut through the grease better.
  • Mold and Mildew: Spray undiluted vinegar on the affected area and let it sit for an hour. Scrub with a baking soda paste and rinse well.

Final Thoughts

Using vinegar and baking soda to clean your windows is simple, effective, and good for the environment. It’s cheap and uses items you likely already have in your kitchen. Whether your windows have everyday dirt or tougher stains, this method works really well. So next time your windows need cleaning, forget the store-bought cleaners and try vinegar and baking soda instead. Your windows—and your wallet—will be happy.

By following these tips, you’ll become an expert at cleaning windows with vinegar and baking soda. It’s an easy, cost-effective, and eco-friendly way to keep your windows sparkling clean all year round.

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