How to Unclog Kitchen Sink with Standing Water?

How to Unclog Kitchen Sink with Standing Water?

Have you ever found your kitchen sink full of water that just won’t drain? It’s super annoying, right? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Today, I’ll show you how to unclog your kitchen sink with standing water. This guide is easy to follow, even if you’re not a plumbing expert. Let’s dive in!

Why is My Kitchen Sink Clogged?

Before we start fixing the problem just like other House Cleaning Tips, it’s good to know why your sink might be clogged. Most kitchen sink clogs happen because of grease, food scraps, soap scum, and other gunk that builds up in the pipes over time. When these things pile up, they block the water from flowing smoothly.

What You’ll Need

Here are some tools and materials you’ll need to unclog your sink:

  • Plunger
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Boiling water
  • Plumber’s snake (a tool to remove clogs)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Bucket
  • Adjustable wrench

Step-by-Step Guide to Unclogging Your Kitchen Sink

Step 1: Remove Standing Water

First things first, get rid of as much standing water as you can. Use a cup or a bucket to scoop out the water. This will make it easier to work on the clog without making a mess.

Step 2: Use a Plunger

A plunger is a great tool to start with. Here’s how to use it:

  • Place the plunger over the drain so it covers it completely.
  • Push down and pull up the plunger quickly. Do this for about 20-30 seconds.
  • Check if the water starts to drain. If not, try plunging a few more times.

Step 3: Try Baking Soda and Vinegar

If the plunger doesn’t work, baking soda and vinegar might do the trick. Follow these steps:

  • Pour one cup of baking soda down the drain.
  • Pour one cup of vinegar down the drain right after the baking soda.
  • Let the mixture fizz and sit for about 15 minutes.
  • Pour boiling water down the drain to flush everything out.

Step 4: Use a Plumber’s Snake

If the clog is stubborn, you might need a plumber’s snake. Here’s what to do:

  • Put the snake into the drain and start turning the handle.
  • Keep pushing the snake further until you feel resistance (that’s the clog).
  • Turn and push the snake to break up the clog.
  • Pull the snake out and flush the drain with water.

Step 5: Check the Trap

If the clog still won’t budge, it’s time to check the trap. The trap is the U-shaped pipe under the sink. Here’s how:

  • Place a bucket under the trap to catch any water.
  • Use an adjustable wrench to loosen the nuts on both ends of the trap.
  • Remove the trap and clean out any gunk inside.
  • Reassemble the trap and check if the water drains.

Comparing Different Methods

MethodHow Well It WorksEasy to UseSafe for PipesCost
PlungerVery GoodEasyVery SafeLow
Baking Soda & VinegarGoodEasyVery SafeVery Low
Plumber’s SnakeExcellentMediumSafe if CarefulModerate
Chemical CleanersVery GoodEasyCan Damage PipesLow to Medium

My Recommendations

From my experience, starting with a plunger and then moving to baking soda and vinegar is usually the best approach. These methods are safe and easy. If they don’t work, use a plumber’s snake. Only use chemical cleaners as a last resort and follow the instructions carefully.


Unclogging a kitchen sink with standing water isn’t as hard as it seems. With the right tools and steps, you can do it yourself without calling a plumber. Start with simple methods like using a plunger and baking soda and vinegar.

If those don’t work, move on to a plumber’s snake. And remember, regular maintenance can prevent future clogs. I hope this guide helps you keep your kitchen sink running smoothly!

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